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Your journey through high school or college will expose you to different writing assignments, including special speeches about events or persons. But writing an occasion speech requires you to master some skills and facts that will guide you.

This post anticipates and addresses these needs by providing you with the necessary skills for drafting a special occasion essay. Do you want to learn the ropes and excel in this assignment? Here are the insights on how to write a special occasion speech that fetches excellent grades. Keep reading.

Tips on How to Write a Special Occasion Speech

Before delving into the details of writing a perfect special event speech, let’s answer the question, “What is a special occasion speech?” A special event speech is a public performance people give during special events or occasions. This type of assignment comes in different forms, depending on the event and its audience. For instance, a special event can be a retirement party, an anniversary, a wedding, or a graduation.

Generally, these special speeches are shorter than other public performances. They are straight to the point and usually last between five and ten minutes. Depending on the event, the speech can be highly emotional and may evoke a strong audience reaction. Focusing on the emotions here is justified because the speaker’s goal is to make the audience feel happy or reflect on a given idea. Sometimes, this speech can be informative.

Do you want to spice up your special event speech? Then, here are tips to help you do it.

Know Your Listeners 

You must understand your audience before drafting a captivating speech. Your listeners’ emotional state and expectations will differ, depending on the occasion. For instance, a funeral speech will have a different tone from a wedding presentation. A wedding speech must be tailored to meet the friends’ and family members’ celebratory mood. Inversely, a eulogy will be tailored with a comforting tone to comfort mourners’ hearts.

Personalize It

These specials are excellent opportunities for sharing personal emotions and stories. You shouldn’t fear to open up and disclose your true feelings. You can spice up the speech with personal experiences and anecdotes to make it more heartwarming and relevant.

For instance, when speaking at a graduation ceremony, you are free to share your college journey. You may also share your challenges and how you conquered them. This way, your personal story will motivate and resonate well with the graduates.

Begin on a Strong Note

Starting strongly is vital because it creates a lasting first impression. You should start your speech on a captivating note. For instance, you may use a personal story or a heartwarming statement.

Remain Positive 

You must always remain positive, regardless of the event you are attending. Your speech should also remain positive and edifying. It should focus on the fun moments and good times, even if the occasion is sad. For instance, you can focus on celebrating the life of a departed loved one and how much joy they brought into your life.

Be Brief

It’s fine to express your feelings and thoughts through the special speech. However, don’t prolong it too much, lest it lose its intended meaning. We recommend keeping the speech under ten minutes.

Use Relevant Humor

Use good humor to light up the atmosphere and engage your audience. However, your humor should resonate with your audience and shouldn’t be offensive. It should also be prudent because people can laugh at your jokes but remain with question marks.

Be Grateful

Your speech should also express love and gratitude. Your speech should include hearty expressions of appreciation for the occasion and its attendees. For instance, if you are giving an anniversary speech, you can thank all the people who have participated in your journey.

Be Honest

Genuineness is critical to occasion speeches. Ensure that your words come from the heart and don’t use clichés. This way, listeners will connect with your message.

Authenticity is key in special occasion speeches. Your words should come from the heart. Avoid using clichés or generic phrases. Speak genuinely, and your audience will connect with your message.

Close on a Strong Tone

Your closing part should leave a lasting impression, just like the beginning. A powerful ending stays with your listeners longer. Your conclusion should summarize your most important points and leave your audience with a memorable speech.

Establishing the Context in an Occasion Speech

Special occasions speeches should establish the context of the event.

Personal Connections in an Occasion Speech

If you are celebrating a person’s achievement, remember to introduce your relationship with them early in the speech. This way, your speech becomes clear from the onset among your listeners. Also, this step creates eagerness and expectation in your listeners. Below are some components to include in your speech.

Remember, you are free to express your views in the best way you choose. Remember to include these dimensions in your speech. When honoring a person, tell your listeners why the mentioned person deserves your acknowledgement and respect.

Messages or Lessons on the Special Occasion Speech

Good occasion speeches also include lessons or messages. Your speech must highlight the virtues and relevance of the person you want to honor before your audience. Depending on the type of speech, your speech must include wise words. You can share your advice and wisdom with your listeners. For instance, you can make your speech more interesting by incorporating relevant examples, stories, or quotes.

Presenting Acknowledgments and Expressions of Gratitude in Special Speech

Your speech should also contain expressions of gratitude and acknowledgements. You should thank and acknowledge the people who made this event succeed. Appreciate special individuals for their valuable contributions, impact, and achievements. You should also remember to thank everyone for attending the event and listening to you.

Concluding a Special Speech

A powerful conclusion is critical if you want to master how to write an occasion speech. Your conclusion will serve the following goals.

Types of Special Occasion Speeches Topics

Occasion speeches come in different forms. This section shares the five main types of special event presentations.

Special Occasion Speech Outline and Examples 

Like other forms of writing, a presentation for a special event should have an outline. While no special universal scheme exists, it follows the traditional three-part format, which compromises the introduction, body section, and conclusion.


Your speech should have an introduction that grabs the audience’s attention. It must also contain a thesis that presents the primary idea that you would like your audience to know. You don’t need to stuff your presentation with many things. Thus, you should narrow your thesis to convey your ideas. Your thesis must be simple and must not sound formal.

Body Section

This section of your speech expands all your ideas, as presented in the introduction. Here, you will share several cases to support the issues you introduced in the introduction. You have to include some personal experiences and proven research. Your oration should be emotional but shouldn’t sound too artificial. Make sure it comes from the heart.


Your closing section should contain words that would leave your listeners with a proper aftertaste. The finishing phrases should be logical and memorable.

Final Words

Special occasions need speeches to engage audiences. However, writing these presentations requires skills and mastery. Thus, we composed this post to equip you with all the necessary tools for crafting a great special event presentation. We hope you will use these insights on how to write a special occasion speech to up your game.