BSN Degree in Nursing Quick Overview

BSN stands for the Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree.
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BSN stands for the Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree. Alongside the ADN degree which stands for the Associate’s Degree in Nursing, it allows you to pass the compulsory NCLEX examination to become an RN which stands for a Registered Nurse. Such a position will allow you to work in the clinic as a full-fledged nursing expert and start gaining actual real-life hands-on experience.

What is the key difference between the BSN and ADN degrees? It’s all about your ambition to become more than a regular nurse doing daily nursing duties. The BSN degree is your pass-ticket to the world of medicine where you could strive for managerial, supervising, mentoring, researching, and educational positions as an MSN (Master of Science in Nursing) and especially a DNP (Doctor of Nursing Practice.)

To become an RN, the ADN degree will do. But to have any chances of career progress and a better salary, the BSN course is your best shot. In addition, more and more hospital and clinical institutions require their nurses to have the BSN qualification from day one. The Bachelor course in Nursing will also allow you to continue being an RN on either a part- or full-time basis while studying.

The BSN Nursing degree could also be obtained either online or in a form of classic on-campus part-time or full-time tutoring. And since the American Nurses Associate moves in to have 80% of RNs having BSN qualification, you should really consider aiming for the BSN right from the start. The fact that you could apply for the Bachelor’s course already with your ADN credentials and the RN license does make the transition between different degree levels smooth and seamless.

Accelerated BSN Programs vs Classic On-Campus BSN Schooling

There are 1 year accelerated BSN programs available for students who can’t afford to spend 2-3 years on campus. The truth is that the Nursing schools are costly and require some serious financial investments. Quality BSN programs will ask you to spend $10.000-$20.000 per year to gain the sought degree. So most students will want to continue working as RNs to be able to pay for education.

Juggling work and college for a couple of years is a tough challenge. That’s why you might want to consider accelerated BSN programs as an alternative, or even pay for my essay to ease your academic workload while focusing on your future career. The curriculum will offer both in-class and online sessions to give your daily schedule flexibility you need to mix work and education effectively. Accelerated and online Bachelor’s degrees reveal the same job and career opportunities as traditional on-campus learning. So to start earning more and climb up the career ladder faster, you could really look into this option more closely.

10 Reasons to Choose an Accelerated BSN Program

  • Accelerated BSN will let you wrap up getting the degree as fast as in 12 months compared to 2-3 years on campus.
  • Your schedule will be flexible enough to mix work, education, and personal life.
  • You could keep working on and improving nursing skills as an RN without any hiatus from college.
  • A second degree BSN (also being called an “accelerated” degree) is cheaper than classic 2-3 year courses by 30-50% on the average.
  • Most employers don’t put emphasis on whether you got your degree via an online, accelerated, or on-campus program as long as your examination results are in order.
  • Most employers are happy to send their staff to get the BSN qualification and pay for it in the full amount, but would really love to see the employers back at work as soon as possible, so an accelerated program fits in the employers’ plans perfectly.
  • Accelerated programs are the #1 choice for practicing nurses today who want to level up their qualification swiftly.
  • There’s a bevy of online accelerated BSN programs which won’t require you to attend campus at all!
  • Online and accelerated programs from best schools and colleges offer the same quality of tutoring as with their on-campus courses.
  • An accelerated BSN is only an interim stage to getting the MSN and then the DNP degree, so using any chances to decrease time spent in the classroom on the way to the degree advancement is a sound idea.

BSN Programs Have Some Major Benefits

The one- or two-year ADN training will let you become a Registered Nurse. But BSN programs could offer you so much more in terms of skills and – most importantly! – duties. And more duties mean more money. A BSN qualification is the main jumping-off point on your way up the career ladder. From research to clinical supervising, your income will raise up alongside the number of duties you’ll be getting. More duties mean more money in the paycheck, so your investments in education could finally start to pay off.

Plus, having a BSN shows your scientific background, whereas for someone being able to be called a “Doctor” will be just the thing. For ambitious, go-getter type of Nursing experts, the BSN is the right pathway to succeeding in the profession. Whereas the ADN is quite limited in terms of duties, responsibilities, and salaries, the BSN offers a much more spacious room for professional growth.

Let’s keep in mind the fact that the job market for nurses is filled with competition. Today, a potential employer will err on the side of hiring an employee with a Bachelor’s degree just to be sure, instead of going for an applicant with a basic ADN nursing training. Losing a dream-job only because your degree title isn’t good enough? Sounds sad, but unfortunately happens all the time. So aim for the Bachelor’s degree straight from high school if you want to become a nursing specialist in the future.

Tight in terms of finances? Go for online GSN programs from the best US nurse training facilities such as the Southern Illinois University Edwardsville or California State University, to name a few. It will help you carry on duties as an active RN and gain the required BSN training at the same time. Online education will also help you save a nifty sum on on-campus tutoring. Later on, when you feel like you’re ready to take a supervising and research role, you could go for a more prestigious and lucrative MSN and even DNP degree.

What to Do When Writing Nursing Essays Gets Too Time-Consuming?

It might sound baffling regarding a profession which focuses on practice and skill honing so much, BSN Nursing programs still imply essay and capstone writing. What do nurses need essays for, you might wonder? To get good marks in a college and finalize courses. Nursing essays revolve around the historical and ethical aspects of being a nurse. And offer little to no value for a student who’s just spent the entire 9-hour shift on their feet and now is looking to have some rest, not do essays. Nursing school boards see otherwise, though!

To get your BSN qualification, you’ll have to prepare a capstone, too. It’s a captivating project which will let you delve into a practical side of the nursing profession and dwell upon your personal experience and challenges faced daily in the clinic. Still, it’s a time-taking paper that will also demand a good share of the writing talent.

Do you have a knack for academic writing yourself? Then, recruit a trained writer in the sphere of Healthcare and Nursing, in particular, to do all the papers for you, from a 5-paragraph essay to a whole 70-page capstone. Our service offers individually-tailored, professional writing help to all Nursing students despite the deadlines and a topic difficulty. Make an order now and your paper will be done by a real human writer in Nursing or any other Healthcare-related subject today from scratch.