Essential Tips: How to Write a Discursive Essay

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You will write several essays before completing your education, and it is possible to conclude that you have encountered every one of them. Wait until you meet a discursive essay, then you will realize there are many more others. Fortunately, this may be your best chance to learn how to write a discursive essay. Well, what is discursive essay? If this is your first time, then it is a good idea to read the rest of this article. Perhaps, it is also a time for those with prior knowledge of a discursive essay to sharpen their skills. First, you have to appreciate the primary goal of a discursive essay-that it seeks to provide a neutral and objective evaluation of either side of an argument.
Nonetheless, some situations require an examination of three or more viewpoints based on the given question. Notably, organization and tone are the critical elements when writing a discursive essay:
- Tone: It is an academic paper and needs a formal tone. Conversely, you will need to assess your claims and present your opinions from the third-person perspective besides using official word selections. The trick is to avoid positive leading declarations in support of the topic while making sarcastic and demeaning remarks for the counter-arguments.
- Organization: The structure of a discursive essay is similar to most conventional essays that feature the introduction and thesis statements, main text, and the conclusion.
Therefore, writing this article is straightforward as it involves positive and negative analysis of facts and evidence, then giving the final verdict. Although your claims and judgments may convince the readers, the purpose is not about convincing anyone but evaluating the issue objectively. You also need to understand the difference between argumentative and discursive essays to avoid confusion.
Discursive Essay Topics: Explore a Whole Bunch of Exquisite Ideas
Mostly, instructors ask students to write a discursive essay on a predetermined topic. Alternatively, students may be asked to select discursive essay topics of their choice. If the problem is predetermined, you will likely spend less time thinking about what to write. However, you might find it less exciting or hard to write because you do not like the subject. Also, you may spend more time deliberating on good discursive essay topics if you had the freedom to choose. Whether you have the option to select or not, here are some discursive essay ideas for you.
Essay Topics on Social Media
- Does dating websites provide the best platform to meet a potential romantic partner? Several people prefer social platform because it is an efficient way to meet people who share interests with them. Others also think it is a risky affair because you do not know the person hiding behind the keyboard.
- Do small businesses need social media to succeed? Some people believe that social media has enabled small companies to market their merchandise efficiently to a broader market. Others also think traditional word-of-mouth and physical promotion provide an excellent opportunity to expand the customer base.
- Is cyberbullying more prevalence on social networks? The presence of many social websites facilitates bullying because most people can easily hide their identities while committing the offense. Conversely, others also believe there are sufficient regulations to curb cyberbullying.
- Does the use of social platforms hinder student performance? The majority of social media users think they are responsible enough to control addiction, and it does not affect their performance. However, teachers view it as a form of distraction capable of influencing the performance of the users.
Essay Topics on Healthcare
- Should we permit GMOs as food? While others argue that GMOs provide a viable option to supplement food shortages, others oppose the idea due to its side effects on human health.
- Does online search provide an efficient diagnosis of illnesses? The presence of health information online offers the best opportunity for many users to find more about their diseases before seeking medical attention. Others also argue that it is impossible to identify the cause of illness accurately based on online search.
- Does sleeping less than eight hours hurts the health of adults? Some experts believe that every adult needs at least eight hours of sleep to stay healthy. Some think it could vary depending on an individual, and having less sleeping hours pose no significant health risk.
Essay Ideas on Technology:
- Will Artificial Intelligence replace human labor in the future? Many people feed that AI is a threat to their jobs because of the continued automation of industrial processes. Others also claim humans created technology, and it can never replicate their minds or surpass their level of thinking.
- Does the use of surveillance drones violate privacy? The military uses these drones to man unfamiliar terrain or too risky places to deploy personnel. However, activists and other concerned individuals think this is a ploy by the government to invade individual privacy.
- Is technology a new form of addiction? Professionals claim technology is an emerging form of addiction that has necessitated medical interventions. Others perceive technology as a tool that provides entertainment and improves human efficiency.
Essay Topics on Environment:
- Do all governments need to enforce stringent regulation on the use of fossil fuels to minimize global warming? Many experts believe that it is possible to use green energy exclusively and do away with fossil fuels. Others believe fossil fuels provide cheaper, reliable, and efficient energy that we cannot do without it.
- Are disposable diapers hazardous to the environment? The rising volume of diaper wastes has prompted environmentalists to reconsider its effect on the environment by proposing reusable types. Others believe it less hazardous because most of them are disposable in recycling bins.
- Is sustainable development susceptible to misinterpretation by environmentalists?
- Should we attribute the massive loss of biodiversity to irresponsibility by humankind?
- Is forced recycling the only effective way to prevent littering? Some people believe that the majority take no responsibility in disposing of their litters appropriately, and forced recycling is the only intervention. Others believe the measures already in place are sufficient to curb irresponsible littering and no need for forced recycling.
There are several topics on discursive essay questions available online for you to explore besides brainstorming for ideas. Often, the opinions are dependent on the assignment provided by your instructor or the discursive essay rubric. Whenever you select your topic, remember that it should allow you to highlight either side and declare your stance. Conversely, it is essential to choose a topic that is at least contentious or arguable.
Discursive Essay Definition: Just the Way It Is
So, what is a dissuasive essay? An essay type that gives either side of a claim then declares the author’s stance. If possible, you should include even points for both cases. Notably, the balance is vital because it enables you to dissect the arguments effectively and stage a factual overview of the discursive essay subject. The number of arguments presented depends on the span of the essay, but 2-3 points for each side would be sufficient. Here are the three main types that will help you understand the discursive essay definition in details:
- Opinion Essay: it highlights the author’s opinion conveyed in the introduction paragraph. Notably, the opposing arguments should come immediately before the conclusion. Besides, the writer must restate/summarize the views.
- For and Against Analysis: it entails objective description and discussion of every item presented in the discursive essay with appropriate justification. Also, it involves a neutral reflection of the author’s view on the subject.
- Article proposing Resolution to a Problem: it enables the writer to state the problem and analyze its cause and the associated consequences in the body section.
So far, the article has only covered the organization of a discursive essay. Well, it is time to review the discursive essay format.
- Introduction
An excellent example of a discursive essay introduction should give your readers a hook- something intriguing that can draw their attention quickly. So, present a brief description of the problem. Occasionally, extracts like rhetorical questions will achieve such an objective. In case you are wondering about the don’ts, please avoid stereotyping or generalizing.
- Main body
The part consists of a few or more subsections and highlights the main points in the discursive essay. Like pointed out before, it needs to be impartial arguments supported with facts and leave room for the author to declare their stand. A typical body text requires the organization of each point in separate paragraphs to enhance readability and comprehension. If the current argument highlights the proponents, the next one should cover the negative side to maintain a professional flow. The final item in this section should comprise of the opinion that the writer favors.
- Conclusion
How to write a discursive essay conclusion can be a challenging task if you do not know what it entails. Conventionally, it should summarize items covered in the body text and allow the writer to express their opinions. However, students fail to remember that it ought to resonate with the topics covered in the discursive essay body. Note that you should not repeat the findings in this section but summarize them. Besides, it needs to be as short as possible- no more than one paragraph.
Discursive Essay Meaning: Get to Know the Gist of the Structure
The above format presents the best outline of a discursive essay template you need to script a structured piece. Nevertheless, discursive essay meaning entails the following aspects that are important always to remember:
- Keeping neutrality: equal representation of both viewpoints.
- Reviewing sources: citing sources and supporting each point by justifications, examples, and/or reasons.
- Concluding: offer your view and summarize the core ideas.
You can easily find a discursive essay sample that can guide you to compose on that suit your needs. A good example is a school uniform discursive essay that highlights why institutions should enforce uniforms or make it a personal choice for students to wear them. Although it seems like a simple topic for a discursive essay, writing the essay can be a daunting task. Furthermore, you may never know you need assistance until you realize the discursive essay you wrote does not meet the requirements. So, you risk missing the assignment deadline for submitting a low-quality essay because you have to redo the discursive essay. Fortunately, you never run out of options because we will always be there to rescue you. The discursive essay writing services we offer are one of the best in the market with guaranteed money payback in case you are not satisfied.
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Nevertheless, you can take advantage of the discounts and offers available on our website to pay less. Another tip that would help you pay less for your discursive essay is placing an order long before the deadline. If you don’t believe it, try ordering any essay type and compare the prices.
Congratulations! You have read this article to the end. However, if you still feel uncomfortable writing a paper by yourself, contact us to use our essay writing services. We have the experts to assist you in composing a decent essay or selecting intriguing discursive essay subjects. All you need is fill out the order form and specify the details of the requirements. Also, feel free to contact us for guidance on how to make an order or any inquiries.