Essay Map: Writing Algorithm for Students

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Academic writing is a systematic approach to student learning that pursues a variety of goals. One of them is to teach students to map their arguments and structure their ideas in a visually and textually consistent format. An effective way to get one step closer to mastering this skill is to create essay maps.
So, what is an essay map, and what goals does it serve in the educational process? This handy guide will introduce you to the intricacies of creating such a document based on your professor’s prompt. Read on to find out how to write an
What Is an Essay Map?
In simple words, an essay map is a visually structured presentation of your essay content. It may be highly similar to the outline in terms of text, but its visual format differs profoundly. It typically looks like a tree with your main topic or thesis statement at the top, with the descending branches of your arguments.
Once you have a central thesis statement that you put at the top or the center of your page, you single out several arguments related to the thesis. They will form the basis for your body paragraphs, and for each main argument, you will need supporting details and evidence. Thus, you should present all of these parts in a visually clear and understandable format. You may put a short version of the argument in a circle and then make a bullet point list below it, where you name the reasons for including that argument and enumerate the supporting evidence you will use in the text.
By composing an essay map, you deepen your understanding of the topic and become much better equipped to craft the body of the essay, with all arguments and reasoning neatly organized into sections. It allows you to visualize all relationships between concepts and create a much more nuanced discussion of the assigned subject after a close visual analysis. Besides giving you a good structure to follow in the writing process, an essay map helps your professor grasp the line of your reasoning much faster without the need to read the essay from start to finish.
Essay Map Example
If you want to write a good essay, speech, novel, or a simple sketch, then you need to make an outline. Without this important stage, the final text will be chaotic, not thought over, and the main idea will be “walk around.” You can look at the essay map template. This is a schematically recorded set of short-formulated thoughts-headers, the basis of the work. You can logically convey the content of your composition based on the scheme of construction.
The main body may vary: either you may submit all arguments at once (at least two), or one by one, indicating after each example. All elements of the structure should have a logical connection: the arguments prove the thesis; examples confirm the correctness of the reasons. This means that when you put forward two theses, you must argue each of them with two proofs and each one should take the essay map sample. It is easily confused here. You must try to express your thoughts clearly and succinctly.
The student should know that when assessing the structure of his work, the teacher will pay attention to the following points: the presence of all the named elements of the structure, their connection (the thesis correspond to the arguments, examples, and conclusion) and the use of special words and expressions needed for each part of the text. This means that when assessing the thesis, the teacher will take into account the following:
- There is a thesis.
- It is located at the beginning of the work.
- It is formulated clearly.
- It has designs that express its own opinions.
Samples give you some idea. You can start drawing a map after you know exactly what you want to say in your text. You need to think about the introduction and conclusion.
7 Reasons You Need an Essay Map
Students consider the creation of a map for an essay to be unimportant and unnecessary. This is a false assertion since such a scheme helps to write a work itself faster, laconic, easier and logical. A student is able to follow the correct order of thought.
Based on the essay map definition it’s momentous for the organization of mental labor, for the development of skills of clear wording and the ability to write a logical composition. The diagrams represent the relationship of the provisions. There are many reasons you need to perform this project.
- Referring to the map, you do not just think about certain material, but deeply comprehend it, determine the main and secondary.
- You have integrated (generalized) the main points of several sources, so that the thoughts, set out in several works, in your text sound more voluminous, fuller, more convincing.
- You make the presentation of the material accessible, original, and stylistically colored. The map helps you in revealing the topic in a logical sequence.
- Looking at the structure you find a wide selection of illustrative material. You can pick out the most striking examples from several sources that are the most revealing theme, indicating your awareness, preparation, world outlook.
- Essay map serves to reveal the topic in the correct sequence. You will be able to view other works (by comparing the views of various authors, you can express your own opinion) and still do not forget about what you write.
- You’ll be able to understand the logic in the construction of the assignment. You have the opportunity to think through the introduction, which should be brought to the thesis. You plan to labor in a qualitative way thanks to the created scheme.
- Sentences and single words can serve as supports in map. It may look like a set of words and statements that are practically unrelated to each other. It is completely understandable to the author and serves to improve the logic and consistency of the essay.
Create an Essay Map in 5 Steps
The drawing up of any map begins with an understanding of the topic and the answer to the question of what I want to say in my work or how can I logically link it. It is important for a student to know several basic tools to create essay map pdf online.
- Draw on the main theses that should be reflected in your text on the draft.
- Remember that not all of the material will be reflected in your assignment: select the most interesting and important.
- The deliberation of the pre-drawn map defines such momentous things as the sequence of presentation of thoughts in the text and the logical connection between its parts.
- Do not be afraid to use auxiliary materials. This does not mean that you can simply write off everything from the Internet. But you can look at variants of essay map example on a similar topic and take some ideas for a note.
- When drawing up the scheme, use short and simple sentences. The main thing is that the items accurately reflect your point of view.
Any text consists of three main parts. The author can pick titles to each of them. He also has the opportunity to add them with his notes-explanations. The writer can much easier to write the text without losing the logical connection between the parts. When he re-reads the map, he may remember more important details. He can add them to the text, so the result will be complemented and more detailed. The scheme allows in a very brief form to reflect the theme of the work, often its main idea. It must comply with the content, be concise, unequivocal and consistent.
Need Help with an Essay Map?
Creating a mind map is not a simple and straightforward skill that you can master quickly. It differs from usual academic writing because of the need to use visual organization skills and in-depth analysis. Therefore, you will need to apply rigorous research and analytical skills first to create a more or less comprehensive vision of the subject, which may inform the mind map.
If you lack time or energy to go through this perplexing and new task on your own, our team is always on standby with all kinds of writing support and assistance. You may turn to us for help with creating an essay map for your forthcoming writing project or transferring the existing content into the essay map format. Whatever your academic needs are, we can address them with timely and competent services in line with the highest academic standards. Don’t struggle with mapping alone; let a capable team of writers help you.
Writing Assistance Is a Couple of Clicks Away
If you’re unsure about how to write an essay map or need professional guidance on this new type of assignment, welcome to work with our experts on the essay map project. You can always come to our website and place an order for any academic help you’re requiring right now. Our team of seasoned writers will manage the task flawlessly and in line with your instructions, letting you overcome this new study challenge with flying colors.