How to Write an Expository Paragraph: Valuable Tips for Novices and Professionals

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Expository writing aims to inform the reader but not to persuade or entertain. It provides undebatable facts that familiarize readers with explanations and definitions of certain issues and ideas. So, at first sight, students may treat such an assignment as one of the easiest since they often describe different aspects, issues, problems, and other issues orally and in written form. But when it is time to start writing, they hesitate about their works’ formal language, structure, and format.
Properly compiled expository paragraphs are components of an expository essay and serve as building blocks for expressing the main idea and informing readers. So, when dealing with such academic writing, students must diligently take on every expository paragraph to succeed.
What’s an Expository Paragraph
An expository paragraph’s main aim is a sufficient explanation of the discussed topic. Moreover, each expository section showcases a different idea or problem stated in the topic. A good expository paragraph should explain the most debatable or unclear issues in detail. Moreover, the writer can demonstrate their expertise without evaluating the problem and giving their opinion. Instead, they just state known facts in an understandable way for the audience.
If assigned an expository essay, you should start with well-organized paragraphs that will add to each other and act in interconnection, targeting to reveal the problem or explain the issue comprehensively.
Structure of Expository Paragraphs
The types of expository writing may vary depending on the assignments and requirements of the teacher. However, they should follow the same paragraph parts. They are:
- A topic (introductory) sentence that informs the paragraph’s main idea.
- Body part that provides all required information and explanations.
- A closing sentence that summarizes the paragraph.
Remember to start your expository paragraph with a strong and catchy introductory sentence. When writing this topic sentence, you should include categorization and explanation components. Students often fail to produce a good topic sentence not because of a lack of explanation or information but due to improper organization. Bear in mind that some introductions are impossible without providing background information to familiarize the audience with essential basic information.
The body part of the expository paragraph is explanation and clarification sentences. The author should do their best to make the reader comprehend the problem or issue. Depending on the type of writing, a student is free to provide illustrations or citations to disclose the described issue. A well-written body sentence usually contains the following:
- A reflection of arguments.
- Support of ideas by quotes.
- A brief explanation of each quotation.
- A transition to the next paragraph.
In the concluding sentence, the author has the last chance to make a good impression. Therefore, it is essential to restate a thesis statement to remind the reader of the highlighted problem and finish the sentence with final clarification. You should skilfully emphasize the introduction avoiding repetition and suggest possible further research and investigations.
How to Start an Expository Paragraph: Tips and Tricks
When starting any writing, you should go through certain preparations. Do not be afraid that it may take some time since properly compiled and selected materials may accelerate and simplify writing. Moreover, it is necessary to pick relevant and credible resources to refer to in expository essay writing. Finally, of course, you will need to browse the Internet and study numerous books, articles, etc. if the topic is unknown to you. But only after deep investigations and thorough studies will you comprehend the main essence of the described issue.
So, when you feel you know enough to start writing, you may begin your expository paragraph. Moreover, making a short outline or draft of all the information you will use to support or illustrate your explanation is advisable. Besides, consider your language, trying to avoid specific terms so as not to confuse the reader. Finally, use short, understandable, and informative sentences to correspond to writing requirements and satisfy your reader’s expectations.
Another useful piece of advice is to skim some sample expository paragraphs written by professionals to demonstrate compliance with the rules. Perfectly written examples may be used as writing guides and tools for mastering the art of expository paragraph writing.
Expository Paragraph Writing
If you intend to handle the task yourself, here are several useful pieces of advice that will help you properly organize and compose your expository paragraph. Since many students write paragraphs without considering the main rules and tips, they often fail their tasks without understanding the reasons for low grades. Moreover, good content does not always mean a big scope or numerous ideas. So, instead of rewriting thoughts and ideas from various sources, it is better to follow a strict plan that will help to have logical and consistent paragraphs that are understandable and informative for the reader.
- Select a topic studied enough to find resources to refer to while writing.
- Write a topic sentence to inform the reader what they are expected to read in the paragraph.
- Write an introductory sentence where you summarize all the arguments and state problems that will be further discussed.
- Write a body sentence to support the arguments. Use facts, quotations, and other examples to provide a clear explanation.
- Write the conclusion restating the topic sentence and summarizing.
- Create a draft that will help avoid missing any important parts of the expository paragraph.
When working on your expository paragraph, it may first seem tedious and useless to follow numerous pieces of advice just to finish one section. However, if you hire someone to write your paper, you’ll understand the value of dedicating time to perfecting each part. As you progress, you will realize that spending more time in the beginning makes you more experienced and skillful, opening new opportunities and giving you more chances to be awarded high grades for professional writing. Finally, do not forget to proofread your paragraph to avoid spelling and grammar mistakes.
What are the examples of expository paragraphs?
In persuasive or personal opinion essays, you will not meet a good example of an expository paragraph since the task of such writing is to explain and familiarize the audience. So, you may find perfect samples in scientific or informative reports and articles.
What is an explanatory paragraph?
Explanatory paragraphs are written to provide information about an investigated, discussed, or researched object or meaning. Here, you give explanations on how to do something or present ideas. Transitions often used in such paragraphs are first, then, finally, etc.
What are the three parts of an expository paragraph?
The main parts of the expository paragraph are the introductory sentence, body sentence, and conclusion. Each piece has a definite function and must be logically connected to other ones. In addition, all the parts form comprehensible paragraphs with a final thought.