How to Write an Interview Paper in APA Format Correctly

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Your educator has given you an assignment on the APA-style interview paper. You’ve already started searching for answers on Google. Unfortunately, the chunk of information you are getting only seems confusing. So, what next?
Conducting in-depth groundwork on how to write an interview paper in APA format is resourceful despite the small chances that your educator will never assign you such a task. After all, APA interview papers aren’t just for college assignments. What if your potential employer decided that the submission of an interview paper was a prerequisite for getting a job? Nevertheless, writing APA-formatted interview papers is something you can’t avoid in your studies.
Comprehensive and thorough written communication could make interviewing experts a must if you were to getting additional and relevant information to support your essay. Additionally, the APA style demands that you report the interview particulars in text form while citing your primary source as either face-to-face, electronic mail, or phone communication. Such information should be unique or non-existent in other sources.
Just like any other APA write-up, interview papers in this popular style entail meeting specific requirements. Below are some typical rules you must apply to your APA paper:
- Double-spacing all the typed text is a must
- Use the right font that differentiates text formatting styles without creating reading difficulties. Times New Roman is the preferred one
- Apply a sizeable and reasonable font size (such as 12 pt.) throughout your writing
- Add a title page and center your title, name, and institution here
- Number your pages with Arabic numerals, beginning from your first page
- Use a proper header
- In the text, cite your interviews information and enclose it in parentheses straight after your paraphrases or direct quotes
Apart from the typical APA paper-writing recommendations, ensure your interview essay meets the following additional requirements:
- Use single-text format
- Avoid including subtitles in the text
- Include pictures that are related to the interview
- Introduce and describe your interview paper’s objectives
- Instead of paraphrasing, use quotes to point to the facts and opinions that the interviewee provides. Further, enclose quotes of utmost 40 words long within quotation marks. Format quotes that are at least 40 words long as block quotes according to APA standards. You should start a longer direct quotation on a new line, exclude quotation marks, and indent each paragraph one half-inch from the left margin of a page
- Regarding parenthetical citations, including the interviewees’ first initials, last names, mediums of communication (like phone communication), and the interview dates is a must. These details should come in that order
- When explaining your interviewee’s responses, direct the reader to see the questions you posed. Doing this reveals to the person reading your paper the context within which the expert in your field of the study stated certain facts and opinions
- Apply APA style principles when citing or referencing every work that you use for your paper.
There is something important to note here: only include in the reference page sources or works that you’re sure the reader will find elsewhere. Since your interview is likely going to be unpublished work, you shouldn’t include it on this last page. Instead, the interview’s parenthetical citation should suffice.
Some Other Important Tips You Must Know
Also, ensure that you do not confuse this kind of paper with an MLA interview essay. The latter essay style contains some peculiarities that should set it apart from an APA one. If you’re interested in getting more information on how to write an interview paper in MLA format, then call us, and we will be glad to help. We are experts at MLA-formatted interview paper writing.
Sometimes, it may be appropriate first to select the type of interview paper to write before you decide on the subject to handle. Whatever format you settle on, it should make your paper attractive, engaging, and flawless. There’re a handful of interview paper types, with the following being universal:
- A narrative essay offers writers the freedom to apply an interviewee’s direct speech and includes their thoughts in the text. With this essay, you’ll have more room to analyze the facts and opinions of the interviewee and remove useless or redundant words. Call us now and discover how to write a narrative paper from an interview without stressing yourself. You can rely on us to write your narrative essay
- A conversational essay gives you many options to address your audience. As a less stringent writing format, this essay permits you to apply the first- and second-person narrative in your write-up
- A Q&A essay is stricter as you must only quote the exact words the interviewee said without changing them. Therefore, Q&A essays are more suitable for single interviewees. This format is more popular in magazines
Conventional Steps for Writing Paper
After figuring out how to write an interview paper effectively, you can now follow the conventional steps for writing paper in APA format. If you prepared for the interview properly, asked questions relevant to your topic, and received the right responses, then putting pen to paper shouldn’t be a formidable task.
Assuming that you recorded the audio, took photos, and wrote down short notes. Here are the steps to take when writing your paper:
- It is highly recommended to start the process of writing your paper with an outline. Apart from helping you to stick to the main objective of the paper, an outline also provides a good structure for it. Moreover, it enables you to complete your work fast
- Start writing the essay’s introduction. Let the reader know the purpose of the interview and why you chose the interviewee. End your introduction with a thesis statement
- Write the conclusion that shows your reaction to the responses of the interviewee. It should make the reader desire to learn more about your chosen topic
- Write the main paragraphs of your essay
- Proofread and edit your work
If you need help with your APA interview paper, we are only a phone call away. Each of our highly experienced professional writers knows how to write a paper based on an interview correctly. Why wait any longer? Contact us now and learn more about writing interview papers.
Learn How to Write an Interview Paper in APA Format Example
Have you ever seen samples of interview papers in APA format all over the Internet and wondered how those authors came up with such masterpieces? No doubt it took these people great dedication and a long time to grow their writing skills. The good news is that you can also come up to their level. Yes, you can also write an APA-formatted interview paper that others will use as a reference.
How can you do this? One of the easiest ways of becoming a pundit in an area is to consider what others have done in the same field. It is especially true of beginners who want to understand how to create interview papers in APA format. The only downside is that you may have to read hundreds of samples to sharpen your writing skills substantially.
However, there is a more straightforward way of becoming a pro at writing interview papers: just read our “how to write an interview paper example tips” and apply them. Unlike several other tips that you may find online, ours are straightforward and easy-to-understand. Besides, these tips show you exactly what guidelines the authors of the samples you’ve been reading followed. You are about to learn about what you are supposed to do to get a higher grade in your studies.
If your interview paper is ever going to appeal to others, then you must start the process properly. First, ask yourself what the purpose of your essay is before delving into interviewing your subject(s). The answer to this question can help you choose the right people to interview, receive the correct information, and write a masterpiece.
After determining the purpose, you can now study your potential subject(s) to see whether they could have the information that you are looking for. Note that you’ll be searching for facts, opinions, and evidence that aren’t available elsewhere. Therefore, you should extensively read the works of your potential interviewees and write down questions that you think will best address your topic. Then, conduct the interview. Ensure that you audio- or video-recorded everything and jot down important points.
Some Essential Points for Preparation
Starting right ensures that the resulting interview paper has meaning and flows smoothly. In fact, you should take more time preparing for the interview than finding information about how to write an interview paper in APA. It is because the preparation stage forms a strong foundation and determines whether your paper will be useful or not.
After conducting a meaningful interview, it’s time to put all the pieces together and start writing. However, there’s one crucial thing to consider before you begin: find out which interview paper types you are going to use. If the instructions are not clear, make sure your instructor clarifies the preferred format, whether it is narrative, conversational, or question-and-answer.
The format you pick dictates the kind of outline you will draw. However, your outline should help you follow the conventional rules of paper writing. Most school essays adopt a five-paragraph format, where the introduction and conclusion are one paragraph long, and the body paragraphs consist of the rest of the paragraphs. Go through your interview audio and notes to establish the main points worth considering in the outline.
Besides drawing the essay outline, you’ll also need to write a clear and concise thesis statement. The statement will rely on the motive behind the interview paper. For instance, if you aim to give information about your interviewee to the audience, then your thesis will briefly summarize the person’s identity, background, and attainments. Contrarily, if your paper seeks to use responses from the interview to examine or uphold a theme, then your thesis will likely take a position determined by the interview.
Let the Writing Begin!
With everything ready, now you can write the paper, starting with the introduction and the conclusion. Here are some essential points to consider while writing your essay:
- Explain why you include the interview in the written assignment
- Make sure you strictly stick to standard APA guidelines throughout the entire paper
- Cite the mode of communication properly. For example, if you interviewed over the phone, then cite it as phone communication
- If you are using a non-published interview, then you shouldn’t include it on your reference page. An in-text citation is sufficient in such a case. However, it is advisable to write the full details of published interviews on the reference page
- Ensure the body paragraphs support your thesis while providing substantial information that you obtained from the interview
- Feel free to use other works within the body as long as they are within the context of the interview.
After completing your essay, proofread and edit it. It is a significant step because it helps you to see mistakes that could otherwise escape your notice. Such mistakes include grammatical and punctuation errors and wrong sentence structures. Editing can also help you trim unnecessary or repetitious information from your essay to meet the required word count.
Mastering how to write an interview paper APA style is a time-consuming and involving process that isn’t meant for the faint at heart. In fact, most students find it difficult writing such papers because they do not take sufficient time preparing for the interview. Some college students may not even have enough time to conduct the interview. In the end, they do not get the results they desire.
Rely on Our Assistance
We have some good news for you. Just fill out the order form to get us working on your interview paper immediately. We have a highly experienced team of researchers, interviewers, and writers who can take up the whole project for you. We carry the burden for students whose busy lifestyles cannot allow them to write interview papers perfectly.
You can rely on us because the most uncomplicated way to take your writing skills to the highest level is to associate with someone who has walked in your steps before. For more details on how to write an interview paper in APA format example, contact us for a chance to speak to one of our expert writers.