How to Write Conclusion in Research Paper: Helpful Tips For Writers

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Every student will find the situation familiar when the research is almost written and everything left to write is a conclusion in a research paper. And here is where the pitfall hides. Even though the conclusion in the research paper seems very simple, there are still certain rules you need to keep up with.
As you want the reader to think about your research even after reading, you should compose an ending to your paper that would catch everyone. Don’t you know how to do that? No worries, though, as we have collected all the necessary information to become a guru in writing a conclusion in a research paper.
Research Paper Conclusion: What To Include
Conclusion in a research paper is as important as an introduction or body paragraphs. This is the final moment in which you must remind your reader about the result of your research. You should also consider what you have achieved when conducting this research.
Thus, every conclusion in a research paper should cover:
- The problem that was set in the introduction part
- The way the objectives were handled
- New findings and discoveries
- Outcomes of the research
Indeed, there is a difference in how to present the conclusion in a research paper of empirical research and an argumentative one. And we will discuss this in further paragraphs, so stay tuned.
Conclusion in Research Paper: What to Avoid
There are a lot of cliches existing around writing a conclusion in a research paper. For example, some students think conclusion equals summary. Other students form conclusions as two vague expressions. So as not to worsen your hard work, there are some things you should avoid when writing a conclusion in a research paper.
- Never summarize things in your conclusion in a research paper. Summarizing will always sound boring for such a serious academic piece of writing as research.
- Don’t add new information. Conclusion in a research paper should shortly restate the main points of your work but not add new ones.
- Avoid including minor points in the conclusion of a research paper. Not only will they distract readers from the major issues, but they also will testify about your poor understanding of the research’s structural parts.
- Don’t use typical phrases in the conclusion of a research paper. “To conclude,” “in conclusion,” and “in summary” are the phrases that everyone uses. But you want to make your research special. Thus, find some more engaging terms.
Types of Conclusion in Research Paper
Even though the conclusion looks like a structural research part with no variations, there are still some conclusion types depending on your topic and writing style. Therefore, by identifying the class, you can also choose the most suitable kind of conclusion in a research paper.
Summarizing Conclusion in Research Paper
Summarizing conclusions can be a suitable choice when writing argumentative research papers. A summarizing conclusion’s main goal is simply to outline the problem and objectives of your research. It is the typical type of conclusion in a research paper. And its writing doesn’t require special preparation or following unusual structure. If you have ever experienced writing persuasive essays or historical ones, you will write a summarizing conclusion with ease.
Externalizing Conclusion in Research Paper
The exceptional nature of an externalizing conclusion in a research paper is that it provides readers with ideas or takeaways that have not been clearly stated in the body paragraphs. Even though it seems like adding new information is not preferable, it is not about that. Instead, externalizing conclusions reveal a unique point of view on your problem stated at the beginning. The key advantage of writing such a conclusion in a research paper is that it makes the readers think as they might not be as concentrated at the end of the article.
Editorial Conclusion in Research Paper
The authors should present their ideas regarding the problem in an editorial conclusion. Such a type of conclusion in a research paper is more personal. Therefore, it will be a good fit for topics that are not very controversial. For example, writing research on humanitarian or social topics, you can state your thoughts at the end. However, writing research on medical or technological themes will not work.
How to Conclude a Research Paper: What to Start With?
As you know the essential parts of every conclusion in a research paper, you should start by restating the problem. While developing your research in body paragraphs, readers will probably forget about the research problem. And the conclusion in a research paper is the place to mention your problem.
However, your task will be to paraphrase the problem in the final research part in the conclusion of a research paper. Therefore, it should not be identical to the version you stated in the introduction. A little explanation of the problem from different angles will be more than enough.
How to Write a Conclusion Paragraph for a Research Paper: Recapping The Research
As soon as you restate the problem, it is quite a time to recap the research in the conclusion of a research paper. Summing up will differ depending on what type of your research paper is: argumentative or empirical. Let’s discuss them both!
Summing Up in Argumentative Research Paper
In the argumentative research paper, you made a thesis statement and supported it with strong evidence. That is what you have to recap in conclusion in a research paper. Therefore, you should briefly focus on every argument that supports your statement. Also, you can mention the counterarguments and show that they contrast with your problem in the conclusion of a research paper.
Recapping in Empirical Research Paper
In the case of writing an empirical research paper, your main task in the conclusion of a research paper is to point out your discoveries. You can briefly go through the main findings you have discovered. But don’t go into detail. Instead, show your readers the connection between the results and their contribution to your problem.
Research Paper Conclusion Example: Describing Takeaways
As you restated the problem and recapped your research, you need to point out the key findings you have discovered in the conclusion of a research paper. They can be different: theoretical or practical, but they must induce scientists to investigate further.
Conclusion in Research Paper: Argumentative Research
You will have to make a strong ending in an argumentative research paper. As your main focus was to support or debunk a statement, you can close your argumentative research with a call to further action. For example, if you focus on an ecological issue, you can show the solutions to that problem in the conclusion of a research paper. If the statement is not very controversial, you can provide readers with new points of view on that problem.
Conclusion in Research Paper: Empirical Research
As empirical research mainly focuses on practical takeaways, you can end your paper by describing them. Also, as a call to action, you can suggest scientists continue investigating your research. Finally, you can recommend your work as a base for further analysis.
Final Words About Conclusion in Research Paper
Conclusion in a research paper is the last thing the readers get acquainted with. Thus, it should be memorable and well-structured. Writing your last words in the research paper, you must mention your problem, objectives, and key takeaways. Your conclusion should be very comprehensive as it covers the research you have been working on very hard.
The main focus in conclusion in a research paper is to justify the results of your study if it is an empirical one or support your statement if it is an argumentative paper.
What should I write about in conclusion in a research paper?
There is nothing special about writing a conclusion in a research paper. In this part, you have to recap the main point of your essay. You should:
- Restate the problem by using other words
- Describe the goals you have reached
- Point out discoveries
- Call to action for further investigation.
However, to make it strong, you should rephrase the information and make it concise for your perfect conclusion in a research paper.
Are the things I should avoid when writing a conclusion in a research paper?
You should not add any new information to your conclusion. Also, you should avoid using typical phrases: “in conclusion,” “in summary,” etc. It might sound strange, but you don’t need to summarize. In conclusion, you must describe your outcome in a research paper.
Are there any types of conclusions in research papers?
For sure! Depending on the style of your paper and your topic, you can choose to write a summarizing, externalizing, or editorial conclusion in a research paper. Since every conclusion type is unique, you should select the most appropriate one for your research paper.