Outstanding Opinion Essay Topics to Inspire Your Next Assignment

Writing an opinion essay showcases your informed and independent take on other people’s works. However, it can be equally challenging if you don’t know how to choose the most appropriate opinion essay topics

We understand this challenge and have compiled excellent sample topics to ease your search. 

Tips for Selecting the Best Opinion Essay Topics

Selecting good opinion essay topics can make or break your entire assignment. Fortunately, you can master this process if you follow the insights we’ve discussed below.

  • Draft a list of ideas. Brainstorming and drafting a list of potential opinion topics is a good starting point. It lets you narrow your search to the most appropriate options.
  • Select something interesting. Your interest in a given topic is another factor to consider. Choosing a topic that genuinely interests you inspires your research and motivates your writing.
  • Pick a researchable topic. Your potential topic must also be easy to research. An interesting subject without researchable materials will grossly compromise your ability to defend your arguments and thesis.
  • Consider difficulty levels. Lastly, your preferred topic should fit within manageable difficulty levels. It shouldn’t be too easy—leaving no room to stretch your mind and grow. Moreover, the topic shouldn’t be too difficult because it could discourage you and fetch poor grades.

100 Sizzling Opinion Essay Topics Divided by Subject

Do you want good opinion essay topics to inspire your writing? We’ve created a list of hot topics across various categories to motivate you.

Hot Topics on Climate Change

Do you want to discuss the present-day situation with climate change and need inspiring opinion essay topics? Below are model titles to jump-start you.

  1. Should the government outlaw single-use plastic products?
  2. Is climate change a real threat to mankind of a political paper tiger? 
  3. Why aren’t governments not investing more in renewable energy sources?
  4. The advancement of driverless cars should necessitate a ban on gasoline and diesel vehicles.
  5. The role of nuclear energy in promoting environmental degradation.
  6. Does excessive air travel promote climate change?
  7. Is overpopulation causing climate change?
  8. The role of deforestation in fueling climate change.
  9. The role of fossil energy in fueling climate change.
  10. The governments must incentivize the use of electric vehicles to curb carbon emissions.

Opinion Essays Topics on the Environment

Your love for writing about the environment shouldn’t expose you to a strenuous search for topics. Here are great opinion essay topics.

  1. How does climate change affect weather patterns?
  2. How effective are international agreements in managing climate change?
  3. Should the government prioritize environmental protection over economic development?
  4. Renewable energy and its role in shaping future energy policies.
  5. The hidden dangers of ocean pollution to human and animal life.
  6. Unmasking the hidden effects of deforestation on the environment.
  7. Exploring the curse of uncontrolled urbanization and its effects on the environment.
  8. The role of corporate responsibility in conserving the environment.
  9. A sneak preview into the environmental impact of electric vehicles.
  10. The role of drone technology in conserving the environment.

Top Opinion Paper Ideas on Mental Health

Everyone’s mental health matters. Here are opinion essay topics for your next paper on this subject.

  1. Strategies to change how society perceives mental health patients.
  2. How are modern lifestyles promoting mental illnesses?
  3. How does socioeconomic status affect one’s mental health?
  4. Explore the role of social media in undermining mental illness.
  5. How does trauma affect mental health?
  6. Evaluate stress management strategies for anxiety disorders.
  7. How do sleep disorders affect mental health?
  8. Discuss how childhood trauma affects an adult’s mental health.
  9. How do genetics affect one’s mental health?
  10. Unmasking the link between exercise and mental health.

Great Opinion Essay Topics About Technology

Let these sample opinion essay topics on tech inspire your next paper about technology.

  1. How grave is social media addiction?
  2. Explore the dangers of social media addiction on mental and physical health.
  3. Why should the use of facial recognition technology be controlled?
  4. Is artificial intelligence threatening humanity?
  5. Reasons tech companies must account for data breaches.
  6. The development and use of autonomous weapons must be banned.
  7. Top ways technology is driving remote work.
  8. Ways tech-driven remote working is bridging the income gap.
  9. The development and use of gene-editing technology threaten humanity and must be banned.
  10. The hidden dangers of brain-computer interfaces.

Sample Opinion Paper Topics on Bullying

Here are hot opinion essay ideas for your next essay on bullying.

  1. Cyberbullying and suicide tendencies. 
  2. How can social awareness reduce cyberbullying?
  3. Strategies for parents to prevent child cyberbullying.
  4. Why is cyberbullying becoming a bigger youth problem than physical bullying?
  5.  Cyberbullying is not harmless.
  6. Ways schools can reduce bullying among students.
  7. Is society doing enough to curb bullying among the youth?
  8. How does cyberbullying cause depression?
  9. Is cyberbullying more dangerous than physical bullying?
  10. Ways technology has affected school bullying.

Smart Opinion Essay Topics on Education

Your search for topics for an opinion essay on education ends with these smart samples. 

  1. Is gamification in education an aid or a licensed distraction?
  2. Why should standardized testing be abolished?  
  3. The effectiveness of online studies versus traditional classroom learning.
  4. The role of AI in enhancing learning.
  5. Why is teaching critical thinking skills in schools critical?
  6. Understanding the benefits of homeschooling.
  7. Why is teaching financial literacy in schools necessary?
  8. Can artificial intelligence-powered tutors replace teachers?
  9. Physical education must be mandated in schools.
  10. Should schools prioritize life skills over traditional subjects?

Hot Opinion Essay Topics About Social Issues

Don’t look for good opinion topics for your next essay about social issues further than here.

  1. How does social media affect interpersonal interactions?
  2. How does education reduce social inequality?
  3. Does income inequality fuel social disharmony?
  4. The impact of poverty on mental wellness.
  5. The effects of poverty on societal welfare.
  6. How does racism affect a victim’s mental health?
  7. Is racism a mental illness?
  8. The effects of environmental degradation on societal wellness.
  9. The impact of gun violence on society. 
  10. Dissecting the impact of drug addiction on social welfare.

Top Sample Topics on Religion

Your search for suitable opinion topics on religion ends here. Read on.

  1. How does religion shape moral behavior?
  2. How does religion shape cultural identity?
  3. The effect of religion in shaping politics.
  4. The hidden link between religion and politics.
  5. Atheism is a hidden religion hiding behind rationale. 
  6. The role of religion in promoting social justice.
  7. Religion and its role in promoting peaceful coexistence.
  8. Is modern atheistic “science” another occultic religion?
  9. The myth of separating the church from the state.
  10.  The role of religious organizations in promoting education. 

Sample Topic Ideas on Politics

Below are the best opinion essay topics about politics to supercharge your home task.

  1. Why isn’t democracy the ideal form of government?
  2. How does media shape political opinions?
  3. The role of money in promoting politics.
  4. How does social media give the youth a voice in political affairs?
  5. Why must politicians submit to higher ethical standards?
  6. Is the UN another secret tool for political domination?
  7. Unmasking the fallacy of political correctness.
  8. The role of lobbyists in shaping political landscapes.
  9. How can the youth catch up with older politicians?
  10. Why doesn’t education produce better politicians?

Excellent Sample Topics on Nursing

Let these sample opinion essay topics inspire your next nursing paper. 

  1. How does the nurse-to-patient ratio affect patient care quality?
  2. How do nurses shape health policy decisions?
  3. How does rationing care during healthcare shortages affect patients?
  4. Holistic nursing practices and their benefits to healthcare.
  5. Strategies for combating mental health stigma in healthcare. 
  6. Technology’s role in promoting nursing efficiency.
  7. Unmasking the causes of nursing burnout.
  8. Why is cultural competence critical in nursing?
  9. How does telemedicine affect nursing practices?
  10. Strategies for improving rural nursing.

Parting Shot

There you have it. All the sample opinion essay topics you need to inspire your next essay across various niches are at your fingertips. It’s up to you to use them to boost your future opinion essays. Do you still need help with any academic assignments? Contact us today for help.

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Olivia Campbell
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