Are You Looking for a First Person Essay Example?

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Essays are of all kinds, and one of the most difficult types is a first person essay. Have you tried writing it yourself? Then you must have realized how challenging it can be. A first person paper seems easy because you have to write it like a story. You need to use the first person pronoun, i.e. ‘I,’ but addressing all academic requirements can get even more complicated with it. How many first person paper drafts did you write? Since we have been hearing from students for over 10 years, we know that they spend a lot of time trying to figure out how to write this kind of essay.
If you are also struggling with it, cheer up – because we are here to take you through it. We’ll give you the best first person essay example. We also give you the concept of this essay so that you understand how it should be written. You can benefit from the tips we share here and try writing your first person paper using them. The pieces of advice we have shared here come from our team of experts who have written thousands of essays ever since the start of our company. The guidelines coming from such trained professionals will solve your problems.
The Concept of an Essay Written in First Person Language
As the name implies, it is an essay that is drafted in the first-person language. The first person refers to the writer or the student. There are various names for this kind of essay. They include but are not limited to a point-of-view essay, narrative writing, and reflective essay. A first person paper can even be a descriptive or informative essay depending upon the content it contains. Students can enjoy writing while using first person in essay. It lends them a feeling of writing a story. A first person paper is especially important because it nurtures students’ skills in reflective writing. Once a student masters this art, he/she can be a very good script-writer.
How to Write a First Person Essay? Easy Tips
A first person paper has the same structure as any other type of paper has – an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. However, the diction and style of writing of this essay are substantially different from such formal essays as argumentative papers. Since the writer refers to himself/herself throughout the first-person paper, the writing is relatively informal than the argumentative essays. The informality provides more details to the reader and helps the writer express his/her feelings, which are an insignia of this essay.
Many students don’t know how to write a first person essay. They may be good at sharing stories and discussing their experiences with friends, but when they are asked to produce an essay based on the same experiences, they may fail. Some students are unsure how much details they should share in the essay because the first person paper reflects the thought process, life experiences, and outlook of an individual. Others write the essays but fail to make them interesting enough for the readers. We’ll tell you how to nail your first person paper.
Make a Detailed Outline First
The process of writing any kind of essay commences with the formulation of an outline. That is like the backbone of your first-person paper’s content. You might think that it is an unnecessary step consuming a lot of your time, but trust us – it’ll make the writing process very easy for you afterward. You won’t have to spend time to think again and again or reconsider the ideas for your first person paper. They’ll all be finalized and sorted. The importance of outlining for a first person point of view essay cannot be overemphasized.
You might be thinking – how is an outline made? Let’s address this question first – an outline has the same structure that the entire essay will have. The simple reason for it is the fact that the first person paper will be developed from the outline. Hence, there needs to be a defined introduction, body, and conclusion in the outline.
First, you’ll write the introduction of your outline. Two statements are the most important in this section of your first person paper – the hook and the thesis statement. The hook is significant because it’ll garner the reader’s attention. It is the statement that markets your essay. A good hook can significantly increase the readership of an essay. Think of it as a Youtube video thumbnail. What sort of videos are you attracted to on Youtube? The ones with attractive and attention-grabbing thumbnails and titles, right? The same psychology works for a first person paper too.
What can be a good hook for writing in first person essay? Start your essay by telling the most important detail of your story. Something like, “24 June 1999 was the darkest day of my life.” This is a powerful hook because it’ll entice the readers to find out what happened on that day that makes you remember it as your life’s darkest day. The reasons for giving the day this title in your first person paper can be any. You’ll share them in the body of your first-person paper. But in the introduction section, you have to share just enough details that help you connect the hook to the thesis statement.
A thesis is the most important line in the essay. You can think of it as the nectar of a fruit. The entire story of your first person paper revolves around it. It can be challenging to write because a student has to encapsulate a lot of details in just a line or two. One needs to be very prudent while selecting the words and phrases for the thesis statement. Write your first person paper thesis keeping this in mind that you’ll have to construct topic sentences from it subsequently. It should have enough elements to let you easily craft at least two to three topic statements from it.
Now you might have a good idea of what is a first person essay, so it’s time to discuss how to make the body of its outline. As discussed before, you need to make as many topic sentences as the number of paragraphs you intend to have in your first-person paper’s body. They should at least be two, but it’s better to have three body paragraphs. Each body paragraph of your first person paper will discuss the unique aspect of the thesis statement. In the outline, write the topic sentences and find two to three points related to them. You’ll expand on the points when the stage of writing the essay comes.
The conclusion is also a very important section of a college essay first person. If you do not discuss any new details in conclusion, it will sum up what you said in the essay’s body. In other words, think about what should the readers take away from your essay. That’ll be the content of your conclusion. It’ll begin with reiteration or rewording of your thesis statement. In the end, you can discuss how the experience changed your thoughts or you as a person, how it influenced your personality or decisions, or what recommendations will you like to make.
It’s Time to Develop the Outline into a Complete Essay
Once the outline of your first person paper is ready, take some time to think about how you will connect the distinct points you have written in support of each topic sentence. Let’s say your topic sentence is, “There has been a significant shift in the way people access news over the last two decades.” In support of this topic sentence, you have to mention statistics that exemplify the ‘significant shift.’ The duration for which you need to collect the facts is also specified, i.e. 20 years. Some good points to include under this topic sentence will be how people used to get news in 1999 vs how they get aware of things now in 2024. You can easily find the relevant statistics for your essay online and cite the information accordingly.
Here’s an Excerpt as a Good Example
Do you want to have a look at a nice descriptive essay written in first person? We show an excerpt for it here. Although it’s not a complete essay, yet it’ll give you a fair idea of how to write it. Take a look:
It was the best gift I ever received. 20 December 2010 – the time was around 10 o’clock. I was boarding a train that night to travel from Manchester to Nottingham. The train was heavily packed as most of the people were moving to spend Christmas at their homes. There were around 10 people in my cabin. The crowd made an otherwise spacious cabin feel congested. I could see the softly glowing city lights and dewy and wet streets of Manchester as the train started to move. Suddenly, something feeling like an umbrella bounced against my right shoulder. I looked back to find an old lady. She had wrinkles all over her face. The pursed lips were being prominent with a light maroon shade of lipstick.
As you can see, the essay shares a lot of details of the day, time, venue, surroundings, objects, and people. A descriptive essay is meant to provide details of the setting so that the readers can see and feel the experience of the narrator. Also, you can see that the first person pronoun has been used in the essay.
Do You Need Help with Your Essay from an Expert?
We hope that the points illustrated above will help you write an excellent essay. However, sometimes, it may not be possible for a student to write the first person paper because of a lack of time or resources. If you are facing such an issue, you can depend on the help of a person from our team. When we receive the instructions for your essay, we’ll instantly search for an appropriate first person paper writer from our team.
Some students call us and say, “Can an essay be written in first person in two hours only?” We want to tell you that our writers are so efficient that they successfully write lengthy essays even with tight deadlines. Since our company has been involved in writing first person papers for over a decade, we have developed a team of professionals who are knowledgeable, well-educated, and skilled writers. They deal with difficult first person order instructions all the time and are used to working under pressure.
What kind of essay do you need help with? Do you want the writer to make the first person paper from scratch, or you have written a part of it already and would like the writer to take the writing forward from there? Whatever stage you are at, just let us know what service you need on your first person paper. Please note that we offer all kinds of academic services ranging from writing to proofreading, summarizing, editing, paraphrasing, and rewriting.
Here’s the Way to Place an Order at Our Site
Customers find it very easy to place first person orders here. It involves a simple three-step process. You might have seen the ‘order’ link at the home-page. When you press it, you can see the order form on your screen. The three steps of the ordering are:
- Filling out the order form.
- Making payment for the order.
- Getting the writer.
We have first person paper writers from all fields and areas of education. We find customers suitable writers according to the instructions they place for the order. They tell what field to find the first person paper writer from. Our administrators find the relevant writers and assign them orders for timely completion accordingly.
The Guarantees for Our Perfect Academic Assistance
New clients tend to be skeptical while trying out a first person paper help service. We know what our customers want, so we offer them the best guarantees. Here they are:
- We’ll write an original essay.
- It’ll be completed within the deadline.
- Any comments you have will be addressed.
Let us know your first-person paper’s details. The most professional writers are ready to assist you. Place the order.